Is someone in your life looking forward to advance their career opportunities? Consider the gift of a brand new resume.

Success Stories

myATSCV knows how to help people get ahead in
the job search. See what we did for these professionals.

Summarising years
of experience


Leslie returned to school to complete her university degree, and had to tie her recent work experience back to her prior industry. She needed help telling her career story in a cohesive way. Her CV was overly crammed with too much information, making it difficult for a hiring manager to quickly scan.

Looking to move up the career ladder


Leslie returned to school to complete her university degree, and had to tie her recent work experience back to her prior industry. She needed help telling her career story in a cohesive way. Her CV was overly crammed with too much information, making it difficult for a hiring manager to quickly scan.

Switching industries


Jon was looking to switch careers, but needed to tell a better story and highlight how his work experience and technical skills could add value to a new employer. His CV was too long, so his accomplishments were too buried too deep to be noticed by recruiters.

Entering the workforce


Mike was searching for his dream job, but wasn’t sure how to get it. He needed to define and package his relevant job skills to attract the right job opportunities. Mike barely had a CV to begin with, so he needed one that spoke to these specific assets.

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Where shall we send your critique ?

We'll get you a detailed analysis of your CV within 48 hours. Now, we just need to know where to send it.